Tuesday 25 October 2016

Error during evaluation of all-head-content

This usually happens when we start editing our blog templete or adding google verification. To over come this you need to do :-

Method 1.

  1. Go to Template on left hand side bar.
  2. Now click edit as HTML.
  3. Click on HTML page and hit Ctrl + F.
  4. Enter "<b:include data='blog' name='/&gt;all-head-content'/>" .
  5. And replace it with <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>.
Method 2.
  1. Go to Template on left hand side bar.
  2. Now click edit as HTML.
  3. Click on HTML page and hit Ctrl + F.
  4. Look for name='all-head-content'/> and check data ='' .
  5. Replace the content inside quotes with blog .
If still unable to do here is sample code below:-

    <meta expr:content='data:blog.isMobile         ? &quot;width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0&quot;         : &quot;width=1100&quot;' name='viewport'/>
    <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. my blog have the error at layout: Error during evaluation of theme-head
    but i can not do :<

  3. Error interpreting blog theme
    Error during evaluation of all-head-content

  4. Yes same error unfortunately. Why everyone getting this especially in this month.
    It was fine in the morning and now I kept getting
    Error interpreting blog theme
    Error during evaluation of all-head-content

  5. Replies
    1. Open your https://www.blogger.com dashboard -> Settings tab -> scroll down to "General" -> disable "Use Blogger draft" -> refresh -> make sure you visit https://www.blogger.com not http://draft.blogger.com -> open your Layout tab -> Your gadgets should be visible again.

  6. Try this 100% Working Mathod 👇
    New recommended answer for a subscribed question, "How do I fix "Error during evaluation of all-head-content" in blogger". - Blogger Community

  7. Open your https://www.blogger.com dashboard -> Settings tab -> scroll down to "General" -> disable "Use Blogger draft" -> refresh -> make sure you visit https://www.blogger.com not http://draft.blogger.com -> open your Layout tab -> Your gadgets should be visible again.

  8. Thanks For Post which have lot of knowledge and informataion thanks.... Nicepage Crack

    Nicepage Crack
