Tuesday 8 November 2016

Lesser-Known people of India | Mr. Jagdish Gandhi

Jagdish Gandhi is the founder of the world's largest school, City Montessori School(City Montessori School [CMS], Lucknow, India). According to the latest edition of Guinness World Records, City Montessori School(popularly known as CMS) holds the title of having the highest number of registered pupils in a single city in any school with 39,437 registered pupils in the 2010-2011 academic year.

CMS, as it is known, was opened by Jagdish Gandhi and his wife Bharti in 1959 with a loan of 300 rupees ($6 at current rates) and just five pupils.
In 2015 its enrollment has reached over 50,000 pupils, a world record. 

Through this school, he organizes various events for world peace and unity. As a student long back in '99-'01, I witnessed the scale and magnitude with which these events were organised.  Jagdish Gandhi has been practicing as well as preaching world peace since the time I know him.  As a student of CMS, you just simply cannot ignore his speeches which happen multiple times in a year. He uses the most commonly spoken language(read as Hindi) and repeats most of the content speech after speech. But that is normal. I have heard some of the most influential speakers and speech repetition is common. What is important is the content and the impact that is created. I can say that with conviction that most(if not all) students of CMS would agree that the learning from the values and principles that were carved in our minds changed us as an individual.

Some of the events through a photologue : 
The 12th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World
and I am sure, every CMS student(out of sooo many) remembers this.
President and Chief Justice of Mongolia commend Dr Jagdish Gandhi for his efforts of World Unity and World Peace
In 2002 CMS was awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education, the first school in the world to be honoured as such.

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