Wednesday 8 February 2017

Rips in Time | Tesla and Einstein Rainbow Project

The Philadelphia experiment was done in 1943. The point was to make a ship, the U.S.S. Aldridge, invisible to sonar and radar. The problem came when the experiment worked. The ship not only became invisible to radar, but invisible to the naked eye as well. It was gone. Somehow it dematerialized, and with it went its crew of 181 sailors.
The ship dematerialized in Norfolk Harbor, VA. It materialized in Philadelphia Harbor a full 24 hours later, but there were problems. Out of a crew of 181, 21 survived most only to die a short time later, 40 were dead, and 120 never came back. The story of the Philadelphia Experiment is of course "officially denied," but it is a very real story. Very real, and very terrible, mainly because denial of the incident also denies the service men who died in the experiment peace.

Philadelphia Experiment Notes :
In July 1943, a battle ship pulled into the Delaware Bay area for a Naval experiment that involved making the ship invisible in some way. This project’s official name is ’Project Rainbow’, but was nick-named the Philadelphia Experiment.

For some reason, this test was covered up soon after the experiment was over, which some say is because they made a huge scientific discovery and the ship was accurately transported over space and time, then reappeared. BUT, you have to keep in mind that their are other stories that include aliens taking sides in WWII with Hitler and the U.S.

The fact is that the truth has long been covered up with speculation.... ah well... it still makes for an interesting story, and maybe even a kewl web page.

Image result for tesla and einstein rainbow project
Source : Google Images

Hide and seek with the mines :
Well, with every secret cover up, there’s the ’Official’ record of what happened, in this case...the Navy’s record.

The Navy admits to taking the battleship, the USS Eldridge, and wrapping wire around the hull of the boat (this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands: ) in an attempt to cancel out the magnetic fields of the the metal on the ship. This is known as degaussing. This would render the ship ’invisible’ to underwater magnetic mines that rely on proximity sensors to trigger there detonation.

These proximity sensors (metal detectors) work by detecting the magnetic fields around metal objects. This was the main idea behind the wire around the ship, it was supposed to cancel out the magnetic field around the boat.

Without a magnetic field, the ship would therefore be ’invisible’ to proximity minds. The Navy claims this was the goal of ’Project Rainbow’, to make the ships invisible to enemy mines, not to radar or vision. As far as official accounts go, this one is pretty ordinary.

It gives a reasonable and believable account of what happened. But it could be a reasonable and believable cover up to what happened as well. Who knows?

Source :

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